Next week we will be releasing the fourth episode in our series on becoming a licensed fishing guide It’s going to be a lot of fun, you might be impressed If you want to hire me to take you fishing head to to get the info. All I will say is that this week I have had the best ice fishing of my life... species caught so far this season, lake trout, brook trout, rainbow trout, smelt, brown bullhead and yellow perch Guide Conrer with Michael Frank, Go Fish Dan The Fish Neds will be at the New England Fishing and Outdoor expo! Fish Guy Josh and the Amazing James, FN West - Boat Battery and Hell Sturgeon
Phil’s gonna be famous, but we knew him before he was cool! The schedule for the Sportsman Channel is: Jan. 2 Monday 11:00am Eastern Jan. 5 Thursday 10:00am Eastern Jan. 8 Sunday 8:30am Eastern Jan. 9 Monday 4:30am Eastern The schedule for the Outdoor Channel is: Jan. 2 Monday 7:30am Eastern Jan. 6 Friday 7:30am Eastern Jan. 7 Saturday 5:00am Eastern Jan. 7 Saturday 1:30pm Eastern “Your show description is: “Charlie & Ray are fishing today in Saratoga Springs, NY on Lake Saratoga with Bill Siemantel, B.A.S.S. & SPRO Pro & Phillip Belcher, Rat Fishing expert! Everyone from novices to pros can fish the big RATS! Tune in to see everything that Saratoga Springs has to offer! “ “ Fish Nerds live at the New England Fishing and Outdoor expo Guides Corner We have a brand new sengment, Michael Frank from Columbia SC is our new guide correspondent, Michael runs Franks Fly Arts you can find more info from him or hire him at - Patreon.. Our show is funded through our fans . Captain Shawn sent us a nice Brown Trout story... Thanks Shawn Jeff Dannaldson shared this fishnerds podcast group FISH IN SPACE What happens you let your little cousins name a new species: NINJA SHARK!