WE HAVE A SPONSOR - www.mysterytacklebox.com Promo Code FISHNERDS to save $5 off your first box Ice Fishing Business update How I marketed the fish nerds guide service -Podcast -Newspaper Ads -Chamber of Commerce -Social Media -Marketing - Christian Mower and Tony Zore of Magic 104 came ice fishing and produced this story -Conway Sun did a six page story including a cover story! Some things I’ve learned... -Don’t take cash at the boat launch -Clients Do not understand what waterproof boots are -Always feed clients -Guides are territorial -Guiding is expensive FN Book Club - Founding Fish, after reading it call 607-378-FISH to start a conversation - We are recording the episode on April 10! Fish in the News! http://www.postandcourier.com/archives/woman-sees-image-of-jesus-on-the-back-of-a/article_e319b7e2-047c-53f3-8859-0b4619c51a34.html http://www.wlwt.com/article/man-accused-of-stealing-thousands-of-dollars-worth-of-fishing-gear/8990852 http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/communities/north-county/sd-no-koi-show-20170228-story.html